Usual Background for “FREE GAZA” attempts

A Case Study .

Watch this and listen to the “voice of the people“.

They are going to tell you directly what all the crisis and the fighting is about – not like all the “associations” and the “FREE”-ing groups and the disgusting political games.


Governmental actions by Israel may be outbalanced. But the lies all around just show the world’s beloved FAKE HUMANISM!

Supporting Hamas and loving oneself for “courage”.

Do you know what “you” who support the flotilla, do?

Do you care?


Simply Sickening: Enjoy Israeli Apartheid Week


Here comes a thrilling example of how to transform a protest uprising of misinformed and biased students and activists of mainly Arab and Muslim origin into an attractive cultural event, an opportunity to meet students and lectors faithful to their cause, a chance to appreciate and enjoy one-sided but stylistically perfectionized  presentations. And meanwhile: To learn how to contribute to a demonization of a whole people and state while mobbing it silently off the map.

The “Sixth Annual Israeli Apartheid Week” throughout the English-speaking university world and various  famous campuses in Europe.

Including a Apartheid Week video contest and other graphical art contributions – and probably an offer of cake, tea and sweets throughout the lectures and other entertainment opportunities.

If you would like to join with your university this distinctive (-ly racist) festival , you may turn to the official website to receive additional information (and don’t forget to congratulate Nidal El Khairy for winning the poster competition).

Us Jews Apartheidists and other negative elements of the “state in focus” will be focusing on a Jewish learning festival in our community this week on Sunday. With a far less attractive workshop offer ranging from “Conversion in Germany” over “Yemenite Jews – Culture and Contribution” to “Jewish Matrix – Mysticism” with additional child care.


Will the IAW teams of 2010 be caring enough to provide potential minor age visitors with a special children program?

Well, if they’re gonna show them a film, I bet it will be a translated remix version of the famous Gaza TV show Mickey Mouse.

Why not, I mean?

“YES to cultural diversity!”

“NO to discrimination, hate and oppression!”

“YES to peace, sanctions and boycott!”

“NO to Israeli apartheid! NO to Israeli professors and students at universities!”

“YES to free Palestine!”

“NO to Zionist Israel!”

…Have you already signed up?

… Have you already bought the new-fashioned IAW t-shirt?

You missed it?

How comes?! It’s THE cultural event in 2010!

At least you should participate in one of the demonstrations which essential statements are cited above.


You seem to have a sick mind then, don’t you…?
